Saber Tooth Curriculum

When I read this article I thought about curriculum and why it was developed. Educators argue about what they feel should be taught and what is deemed important for the students to learn.
Should education be completely focused on society's needs or ideas that will help make them money? New-Fist took the approach of what society needed at the present time. He wanted to develop a way to provide the children with skills that could allow them to have a better life and keep them from danger.

When change occurred there was a conservative group with elder member of the tribe that felt if children were meant to do those things at such a young age it would be in their instinct and not have to be taught to them. This reminds me of the educators who are afraid of change and reluctant to try new ways of teaching children. Instead of doing what is best for the kids, they do what makes them comfortable. This is an issue in today's education.

Education must always continue to evolve over the years and people will always be resistant to change. There must be people that can think for themselves and come up with their own ideas. If we didn't have those types of people we wouldn't have new forms of curriculum on such a regular basis.

About Me

I am a health and physical education teacher, and track coach. This will be my fourth year as a teacher.