Change Response

Educators are very slow to change because they want to remain where they are comfortable. Many are afraid of the unknown and whether or not they will be able to teach the new curriculum as well as the old one. Many of the older educators are intimidated of the use of technology, and they are also very set in their ways about how to teach. They believe what they have been doing for years has worked so why change it. Working hard as educators without fear should be something we are eager to do since we ask our own students to do the same thing.

While reading the different articles, I thought about why change occurs and the benefits of change. Without change in education, our society would not be where it should. The changes are great for the educators as well as the students. The times alter more and more; we have to be ready for this transformation and embrace it. This must be done as a team approach.

I am an educator that really likes change. The article by Patricia Lee Brown about using calming methods in classes excited me because I also thought it was a great idea to use with students. When I think of ways to help students learn better and enjoy what they are doing, I smile and think I have done my job properly. All educators should think about innovative ideas such as what Patricia Lee Brown came up with to educate kids to the best of their ability.

About Me

I am a health and physical education teacher, and track coach. This will be my fourth year as a teacher.